
Kees L. Blase: 'My mission is giving our Heart the place that it belongs to: the heart in the centre like a director of the orchestra.'
Kees L. Blase MSc, medical physicist, neuropsycholist and M.A. social psycology has been building the brigde between neuroscience and clinical practice. Since 2000 he is educating psychologists, psychiatrists, physicians, teachers, coaches and sportcoaches in HRV-biofeedback as a method to train resiliance: autonomic balance in the Autonomic Nervous System. Organiser of scientific and inspiring conferences in Netherlands (Emotion dysregulation, Emotional Intelligence and HRV-biofeedback) and keynote speaker in Germany, England, New Zealand, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, Hungary and Romania. He wrote more than 10 articles about HeartQ-method: Heart Quality. He wrote chapters in different handbooks for instance SolutionFocused Management.
Kees Blase founded in 1993 National Centre of Stressmanagement, now with more than 20 locations in Netherlands and partnerships in France, Switzerland, Germany and Canada.
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